- Parents/Guardians desiring admission in Nursery Class should register name of their wards at the school counter from 15th of November proceeding to the year of Academic Session of the admission.
- Admission is open to boys and girls on the basis of “first cum first served” and availability of seats.
- The minimum age for admission to Nursery class is 4+years as on the 1st September of that academic year as per the letter Dept. of School & Mass Education.Govt. of Odisha dtd.20/01/2025 and the age for higher classes will be computed accordingly.
- Parents and Guardians desiring admission in Nursery class should obtain the Prospectus from the School Office on payment of Rs.400/- between 10th January to 31st January of each year.
- The school shall follow a system of random selection for Admission to Nursery classes out of the applications received from children belonging to disadvantaged groups and weaker sections for filling the pre-determined number of seats which should not less than 25% of the strength of the class 15% of seats shall be filled up by the children belonging to disadvantaged groups [BPL CARD HOLDERS, SC/ST, SEBC and children who are found without any home or any settled place or abode and without any ostensible means of subsistence or a child who is found begging or who is either a street child or a working child]. The rest 10% seats shall be filled up by children belonging to weaker sections. In case there is non-availability of children of any of the above two categories, there shall be interchange of seats.The reserve categories of children will be exempted from all fees till completion of elementary education i.e. class -VIII.
- Admission to the remaining 75% of the seats will be done on random basis. There shall be no test and interviews for any child/parent falling within or outside the categories.
1. Transfer of Certificate is not required for admission in classes Nursery to Std.I. Only Birth Certificate from the Municipality or Panchayat will be accepted.
2.Photocopy of Aadhar Card of Candidate,Mother & Father.
3. Transfer Certificate from the previous school with PEN is a ‘must’ for admission to Std.II and above. The school issuing such certificate should be recognized by the district Inspector of Schools or Inspector of Schools or the Director of Public Instruction of Schools.
4. Attested copies of mark sheet showing the performance of the student in the previous class should be submitted with the application.
5. Three passport size colour photograph of the student.
6. Money receipt should be attached to the application form.
7.Photocopy of Caste Certificate (Other than General Caste)
8.Blood group Certificate of the Candidate.